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Uyghur Cavalry Commander's Saber

Accurate replica of Uyghur cavalry commander's saber of non-corrosive White Metal alloy.
Length +/- 22 cm, (a slight difference due to handcraft process).
Weight about 87 grams with options of horizontal base or vertical stand.

Dear fellow history enthusiasts,

As fervent collectors who has traversed the annals of time through artifacts, we are thrilled to present our latest masterpiece - the meticulously crafted Uyghur Cavalry Commander Saber Replica. This blade carries within it the echoes of the Silk Road, the thundering hooves of steeds, and the indomitable spirit of the Uyghur warriors.

🗡️ Unsheathing Legends:

  • Imagine unsheathing this saber, its hilt worn smooth by generations of hands that knew both battle and camaraderie. The Uyghur cavalry rode across vast landscapes, their sabers flashing like meteors against the desert sun.

  • Our replica captures that essence - a blade that whispers tales of conquest, honor, and the nomadic winds that swept through Central Asia.

🌟 Craftsmanship Beyond Borders:

  • Our artisans painstakingly studied historical texts, consulted with scholars, and examined surviving artifacts. The result? A saber that transcends mere steel and leather.

  • The blade, curved like a crescent moon, bears intricate patterns reminiscent of the Uyghur script. Its weight, perfectly balanced, invites you to wield it in your imagination.


Unlock the Past:

  • Whether you’re a scholar, a martial artist, or simply captivated by the mysteries of the Silk Road, this saber beckons. Run your fingers along the blade, and you’ll feel the pulse of centuries.

  • Display it proudly in your study, let it adorn your mantle, or practice forms under the open sky. Let it be your portal to a time when empires rose and fell like constellations.


🚀 Limited Edition:

  • Our production is intentionally limited, ensuring that each saber remains a rare artifact. Owning one connects you to the Uyghur legacy—a lineage etched in steel.

Note: This replica is intended for display and admiration. The edge of the blade is not sharp and can not cut. 

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